A flurry of activity…

Dear Followers,

I am sorry for all the e-mails you are getting today.

Richard H.

What can I say? I had a lot of silly ideas while doing laps in the pool this morning, so I have now posted three new fairly light-hearted examples of flash fiction and one earth-shatteringly important example of contemporary allegory–see if you can tell which is which!

This is doubly odd because yesterday was a multi-post day, too. I’m not sure of the math, but if this progression holds then I believe that by next week, I will be posting more than fifty items per day…and by the end of July my posts will consume all known energy in the cosmos.

Well, we can’t have that, can we? I’ve finished my sub-series on comic book movies and the ones that are left for the season (Wolverine? Really, again?) don’t exactly call out to me, so my sci-fi connoisseur posts should be dropping a bit in frequency. I must say, though, that there are a few titles I still must write about or else the entire series will seem incomplete, so stand by for those…unless you hate those kinds of posts, in which case, well, don’t.

Sorry again for filling up your inbox–particularly with this post–but tomorrow should be relatively quiet, so you can take heart…unless, of course, I have another curiously potent burst of low-level inspiration like today, in which case, I’ll probably have to apologize again.


(Oh, and did you catch how I reused Janice the agent? At first I was going to use “Murray” as a name for one of the agents because Murray–also the name I gave to my first Windows computer back in 1994–sounded like a good agent name, but then I thought, “No, let’s just stick with Janice.” I’m thinking of making her my Kilgore Trout.)